Step 1 of 2: Apply for a 1 on 1 Call To Work With Us

If approved, we'll meet you for a 1-1 Breakthrough Call to get super clear on where you're headed and what you need to shift. Then, only if it truly makes sense for you, and only if we are 100% confident that we can support you in creating your goals will we invite you to work with us

🧭 Fill Out Each Step of Your Application Below 👇

Step 1 [Required]

Please complete your application for your 1-1 Breakthrough Call with as much integrity as possible. Answering each question honestly will help us provide you with the resources that are the best fit for you right now.

Step 2 [Required]

Please answer the questions below with as much accuracy & integrity as possible!

On the following pages, you'll select a time for your 1-1 call.


If you are not committed to show up at the time you will select for your appointment please leave this page now.

Step 3 [Required]

Aarun & Aela are only able to work with clients who are ready to Quantum Shift with their Reality Creation Process, permanently shifting through their challenges to create a life they love!


If we find that you are truly ready to level up your life or business with the 13 Chakra QSE & RCP Soul Embodiment Masterclass and YOU feel that this is the best next step for you we will extend a one time invitation to get started.


Please select an option

The Awakening Begins works with clients by invitation only: Due to the high demand for our revolutionary integrative approach to quantum shifting we are only able to work with a small number of people each month. If we don't feel it's a good fit for you we'll be transparent and let you know.

Step 4 [Optional]

Step 5 [Optional]

We work with people from many diverse backgrounds who are choosing to expand into their soul's purpose or step into their power creating lives that they love in many different and unique ways.


Creating a business is not required, but if your intentions are to create or grow a purpose driven business alongside the expansion of your chakras please let us know: Which of the following best describes where you are at with your business?

Step 6 [Final Questions]

Detailed answers receive extra credit

Breakthrough Sessions Are Provided for Free on an Invitation Only Basis by a Qualified Quantum Shift Exploration and Reality Creation Process Guidance Coach that has worked directly with Aarun & Aela to build The Awakening Begins Collective Planetary Impact Network